Ash too? Is it her fishnet stockings and barefoot stance that get you? Do you like Neko Case from the New Pornographers too? I saw Liz Phair on the Carson Daly show last night and thought to myself "I hope Gabe is seeing this. If he has erectile dysfunction he may get cured." She sounded much better than Carson and her outfit was HOT. She'll be on Ellen in a few minutes. Maybe Ellen will get Portia involved in some "conversion" tactics for Liz. Disgustingly yours, Scott S > Liz Phair and Megan and MEG, > > I listen to White Stripes cds..and Meg is hot..I liked the White Stripes > before I thought Meg was Hot > > I liked Megan's I went to listen to songs on her site..I > probably would have not ventured to listen to her if I had not seen > her...yes..her looks made me interested..I had to find out how someone so > cute would sound.. > > I own Liz Phair Cds..but I never play them (I didnt know you were supposed > to play them..I thought you were just supposed to look at the pics(?)). > > From now more hottie comments from me..about the rock'n'roll > broads.. > > Although..the girl from Ash is pretty cute as well.. > > best > > Gabriel..( who like the first FF album and is thinking of getting the new > one)..but who loves the new Son Volt album a lot..and thinks the girl from > the Drive By Trucker is not Hot..but she is good in the band > > jah guide > > >