--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "Josh Chasin" wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Stewart Mason" >> > Funniest thing I ever heard at a movie: the third Indiana Jones film, in the > theaters when it came out Indy has, I don't know, walked through a valley > of snakes, been covered by rats, probably eaten a few bugs, like that. And > this kid behind us-- nothing. Then Indy kisses the female lead, and the kid > yells out, "Eeee-eww!" Funny. I've never seen the movie "Death Trap" but my wife told me long ago she saw it at the theatre. There is a moment where the late Christopher Reaves kisses a man (right?). Anyway, when she saw the movie, at this moment in the film, a boy in the crowd stated loudly with shock in his voice "OH NO, Superman!!" Steve D. "Oh, by the way and FWIW: "A history of violence" does have funny moments, but the guy behind me laughed in all the wrong places.