Dave asked.. > > To those musicians on the list - I'm looking to spend about $500 or less > on > a guitar amp, and I want something that has some tube warmth as well as > some > flexibility. I'm a keyboardist who plays some rhythm guitar, I don't > "shred", or solo at all for that matter - I just want something that can > go > from jangly clean to Raspberries/Badfinger style early 70s crunch. Any of > you guitarists out there have anything to say about the new Vox modeling > amps with the tube pre-amps? The first amp that i think is around this price range i would suggest is the Fender Pro Junior. It's little, all valve, has only one channel and 2 knobs, volume and tone... very old school. It's a LOUD amp for a small footprint... i use this at most every gig i play guitar at and it cuts it easily. In terms of versatility, it has nothing fancy... no channel switching... no reverb, but it just sounds great, especially when you find the sweet spot where the amp is working. At this point, it doesn't really get crunchy.. just more driven.. perfect for that authentic tube gain... but even at that level it can be pretty loud. You can maybe get this sort of amp and a good overdrive pedal and you'd be set.. something like the Fulltone OCD. I haven't heard the Vox amps, but people seem to be liking them... in a cautious way. I do have the Vox tonelab modelling thing.. like the Vox Pod.. and it's good for the Vox models, but not 'fall down on the ground' amazing. Best to take your axe to a place that has a few different amps and plug in at what you think will be stage volume and see what rings your bells... I really can't speak highly enough about the Pro Junior though. It's our #1 studio recording amp as well.. MC