----- Original Message ----- From: "Stewart Mason" > I once inadvertantly caused a mild uproar during a screening of Russ > Meyer's MUDHONEY at the Coolidge Corner. I don't even remember the line > of dialogue that preceded it, but something one of the characters said > caused me to involuntarily, and louder than I meant to, say "Ew." It > happened right at a point in the soundtrack that meant that basically > everyone in the theatre heard me, prompting a good-sized wave of giggles. > I spent the rest of the screening slumped almost horizontal in my seat > with the hood of my jacket down over my face. Funniest thing I ever heard at a movie: the third Indiana Jones film, in the theaters when it came out Indy has, I don't know, walked through a valley of snakes, been covered by rats, probably eaten a few bugs, like that. And this kid behind us-- nothing. Then Indy kisses the female lead, and the kid yells out, "Eeee-eww!"