There seems to be a lot of excitement about the upcoming "CVS Days" here in Montana. Ron Gompertz, former head of Heyday has been out beating the street. The local daily was interested enough to have us over for a background chat. They'll be doing a small piece in tomorrows edition. I'll be hosting a "Live Wire" live session tomorrow night at about 6.10 pm MST. You can expect about 45 minutes of live music there. Colter, from Donovan's Brain will also be doing an interview to run on Wednesday over at KBZM... The film crew has also arrived and begun doing some scouting for their shoot over the next couple of days. With luck you'll see my own mug in this. They filmed an informal interview here at Career Records, Montana Office. It all looks good for someone who according to even his own press "has missed the big break, more than once". I'm looking forward to getting to know him a little better. He's been up here with JW Harding a few times now... Look for some sort of summary on the Career site later this week -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The new Donovan's Brain Site