Minneapolis: Hexagon Bar Saturday Night. Chris von Sneidern took stage at about 10:20. It started out funny per he was instructed to start at 10:30. Thus, since he had the audiences attention he started the set with about 10 minutes of stage banter, indicating he was to wait until 10:30 to start. Very funny. Complete with starting (but then stopping) a count down for the music to finally begin. I'll just echo what someone wrote in Chicago. His voice was in great form and it was such a pleasure to see and hear him again. Catch him if you can. Following Chris was a local band called "Seymore Saves the World". Their web site compares them to Ben Folds Five. I could hear it in his voice and the fact that they are a keyboard driven band. The playing style got a bit repetitive to my ears but they had the biggest crowd of the night. Also, the bass player's singing manner totally reminded me of John Munson's from Trip Shakespeare/Semisonic. I'm certain it's not intentional (and maybe purely my reaction) but it was just kinda odd. Anyway, I mention this per some on this board might really dig them in the future, so keep yer eyes open. Ending the night was Autumn Leaves rather then the expected Beatifics (I was actually pleased with this turn of events). Chris Dorn is now also the bass player in the Autumn Leaves. Anyway, they put on a very nice set. Moving from some blazing 60's inspired numbers but ending with four countrified songs (complete with pedal steel guitar). Anyway, it's such a pleasure to catch Chris live. There were pretty decent numbers in attendance on Saturday night and I would say Chris won over those in the crowd that were seeing him for the first time. Naturally, the pool playing and chatting continued in the room next door during the show. It always leaves me a bit amazed/perplexed that I can witness something that I would honestly define as greatness and others wouldn't put down their cue stick or drink to even check it out. I don't mean that as a they SHOULD have done so but more simply how strange those moments feel to me. But yes, I know, different (cue) strokes for different folks. Best, Steve D NP: Chris von Sneidern "California Redemption Value"