I recently broke down and bought myself an iPod. I've had other mp3 players in the past, but even the most recent one was rather clunky, and hard to navigate. I got the 60 gig model (even though now I realize that I'll probably never fill it with 15,000 songs), and I love it so far. I'm currently at about 1100 songs. I got into podcasting today. One of the things I downloaded/subscribed to was the podcast from Morning Becomes Eclectic. They provide musical performances from their studio, so I downloaded the ones featuring The Like (who were mentioned here recently.. I've enjoyed their stuff for awhile now) and also Rob Dickinson (formerly of Catherine Wheel I believe.. his song "My Name Is Love" is one of my favorites of 2005). Does anyone have any other suggested podcasts that I might give a listen to? Arthur