On 9/28/05, arthurbang2@aol.com wrote: > Thanks for the podcast suggestions.. I have a couple more questions, but this is more about creating my OWN podcast, than anything else.. > > First of all, I've read numerous articles about how you would not be able to include copywritten music in your podcasts, unless you are paying royalties to the artists, but then I noticed that in some of the links posted (coverville, sounds in my head), they ARE playing songs by some major label artists. Does anybody know any more about this subject. As far as Coverville, he pays licensing fees to ASCAP, BMI, and one other (maybe the Canadian equivilent?). I assume Sounds In My Head, which is a more recent discovery, does it the same way. > The other question would involve webhosting.. If I were to create a podcast, even one that lasted around 30-40 minutes, I'd still need 30-40mb's of webspace in order to provide that content to listeners. There are podcast friendly hosts out there. Coverville advertises Bluehost on the site. I've seen others but the names escape me at the moment. ed. ps... and might I say that my iRiver will welcome another Audities Podcaster's Podcast onto it. And my ears thank you in advance. -- "There are better things in life than alcohol, but alcohol makes up for not having them." --Terry Pratchett At My Space: http://www.myspace.com/pasquinade