I'm a huge CvS fan. I own every record and do my best to spread the word about his music and I've passed on my praise in a few emails over the span of 8 years or so. I beg him to come to the Northeast because I only make it to SF once every 6-7 years or so (I did catch him at the Hotel Utah in 1998!). A few times (maybe 3-4 times in 8 years), I've also asked him to update some of the chord charts on his website for a few of my favorite older songs. I get the impression this is some kind of a major annoyance and imposition to him for some reason. He never responds to these emails and the chord charts are never updated. I know he must be busy hustling up business in a challenging industry but I feel I've gone out of my way to make the guy feel like his talent is appreciated. If I were a "niche" musical artist like CvS, I think I'd be a little more attentive to loyal fans.