Obviously we're just sharing opinions here, and everyone's will be different ... but I couldn't disagree more. One of the early reviews I read of "Chaos & Creation" called it a grower, and that has certainly been true for me. I liked it the first time I listened, but I did find it a little slow. (In fact, I literally dozed off during my first listen ... it was late, and I was on the couch listening through headphones.) But it has been growing on me in an incredible way. There is not a single track on the album that has not, at some point, popped into my head unexpectedly. (This morning I woke up with "At The Mercy" running through my head.) I'd probably have liked it better if there were one or two more uptempo tracks, but I really can't bring myself to complain. I've said many times that I always rate McCartney albums based on how many "skip-over" tracks they contain. In my view, "Chaos & Creation" has zero skip-overs, and that's something he has only done once before ("Band On The Run"). This is a damn fine album, and in terms of consistently high quality, maybe his best in 30 years. But it *is* slow and subdued and sometimes downbeat, so if that's not what you're looking for, yeah, you will be disappointed. Robert Berry