Josh wrote.. > Having played Chaos & Creation a bunch now, I think the word I'm settling > in on is "boring." I liked it a lot at first, but its kind of sitting > there for me. (Although I think "Jenny Wren" is outstanding, and I've > heard him speak of it as a follow-up to "Blackbird," both songs referring > to a woman as a "bird.") Here's my test: put all the songs from this > album into a playlist on your iPod, and drop "Beware My Love" in there, > and hit shuffle. See what you think. > > Obviously your mileage may vary. But I was enjoying Chaos until "Beware > My Love" happened to come up on my iPod, and I thought to myself, if that > was on the new one, it would be the standout track by like a million > miles. Shortly thereafter I went through it to decide which tracks to > import, and song-for-song, not a lot of them made the cut. Unbelievably, just tonight almost the EXACT same thing happened. When i first heard the new album, i thought the first 3 songs were promising, and 30 minutes later felt let down, bored and disappointed. Friends told me to try again, and i did a few days later, and liked it a bit more after a few listens (and watching the DVD), but still was quite down on it... i just thought it was boring. So tonight while driving home i had another listen and started to think it was ok. Then while bathing my child tonight, i had my iTunes on on shuffle, and Beware My Love came on. Now, i love this song, but it was an album track from one of his less heralded albums of the 70's. And it was EASILY the best McCartney song i'd heard all day.... I know.. i know.. BML was 30 years ago, and he was still a young man with something to prove. I guess my biggest beef though with the new album is, where has his ability to write good lyrics, and write pop songs gone? On any album between 1970 and 1980 there are at least a few good straight pop songs, with nice grooves and good basslines... something that you could still find on albums up to Flaming Pie. On this one, all we have is Fine Line, which has some of the most insipid lyrics i've heard... "everything is better when you come home to stay".. what is that? Maybe Linda was his muse, because the last 2 albums have just been devoid of the very things i love about Macca. I can forgive Wild Life, and Young Boy, but i may never recover from Driving Rain, and this new one may not get much more airing.. Like i said, we're always hardest on the ones we love... and i will say that he will always be possibly my greatest musical hero, and he owes me nothing, as he's given me so much already. MC