How about Biloxi by Jimmy Buffet from Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes? Sail On, Jamie Lowe Get your XTC stickers here.. "How do you know I'm mad" said Alice. "You must be said the Cat, or you wouldn't of come here". ----- Original Message ----- From: Scott Shaw To: Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 6:41 PM Subject: Need New Orleans/LA/flood song ASAP for slide show My boss just informed me thatI'm doing a slide show of some shots I took in New Orleans and I need a 2-3 min. song since I'm putting it together in the morning. Anyone got some good ideas? Probably not power pop, but I'm sure you music experts will know some tunes. A co-worker is using a Randy Newman tune about Louisiana so that one's out for me. Thanks, Scott S