I typed in Jason Falkner and got some funky tunes. Pretty damn cool. SB andrea kremer wrote: Hey Auditeers - Fellow Auditeer Marc Nathan just hipped me to the existence of http://www.pandora.com. I've been playing with it all morning, and frankly I'm amazed. It's definitely the best musical-recommendation-generation-engine I've ever seen. You go to the site and type in the name of an artist you like. It plays a song by that artist, you rate that particular song, and it begins working its recommendational magic based on the specific musical qualities of that song (vocals, harmonies, syncopation, instrumentation, etc.) I typed in "Death Cab For Cutie" and the 5th recommendation I got was a song by Mike Viola. That doesn't seem like an intuitive match to me, but clearly, since I love both artists, they're onto something. I also noticed that they have both The Gravel Pit and Gigolo Aunts in their database, so they're obviously hip to the tiny pop-oriented indie artists. :) You get 10 free hours of listening -- I have no idea how it remembers who you are, but it's saved my stations and I know it's not cookie-based, so I'm inclined to believe it's actually magic -- and after you exhaust them, a subscription (which I am sorely tempted to buy with money I don't really have) costs just $36/year. The ONLY downside: my musical to-buy list has expanded exponentially in the few hours I've been playing with it. Knock yourselves out! --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.