>Been off line for a few days, just mass-deleted 3000+ emails from >lists, including this one, that appeared to offer unfounded instant >analysis of complex topics relating to disaster recovery (which, by >the way is what I do for a living from a computer infrastructure >standpoint - hence, why I have been a bit busy), global warming, >Idiot Bush, wonderful Bush, awful looters, sad looters, and so on. > >While i just skimmed the surface, the emails across the 40+ groups >of radically-different topics (electronics being a large part) I >s*bscribe to, there was an amazing self-similarity in the thread >headers and the few I read. And none of them talked about anything >concrete anyone of the writers or respondents had done to help the >immediate victims. > >I take my second break in 4 days to read a little personal email >after working round the clock to set up a consortium of corporate >donors, a trustee to allocate the funds based on need and oversight, >and a large donor matching program across a significant industry. I >went to give some blood but I was borderline anemic. I don't want >to hear one word of political hyperbole from any person who is not >busting their ass to help people first. Get off the pot and help >somebody RIGHT THIS SECOND. yeah - YOU. We'll have years to chit >chat and second guess. > >So I take a breather and hope for some news on Chilton, or a >perspective on New Orleans as a musical influence, and I >find: blah, blah, blah.... > >Do we have any moderator(s)? When I joined this list, it was one of >the finest run on-topic and friendly (and sometimes nasty, but >on-topic nasty) communities. It is still well ahead of most, but >really are we going to become a political discussion group? > >If so, most of you will regret my participation. I am a ruthless >and savage defender of my beliefs and daunting opponent of every one >who is so moronic as not to recognize the divine correctness of all >of my opinions on everything on earth. > >To bring it on-topic, saw The Raspberries on a VH1 Classic hour >special the last weekend. Nice interviews, and some songs from the >recent shows, including a rousing Tonight and Go All the Way from a >show that had House Of Blues on the banner behind them. > >My first break from cruel reality this week was Brian Wilson & Band >performing SMiLE at the Greek Theater in Berkeley, CA (yup, >Berkeley; don't get me started on their politics...). Imagine a >beautiful night, stars, the bridge and Marina in the distance, the >campus clock tower and a replica of a Greek outdoor theater with >perfect acoustics. > >Brian was more animated and involved than I have ever seen him >before. The band was its own perfect self. They have altered and >tweaked a few portions of SMiLE, very nice. They also played Break >Away, Marcella, and an incredible version of the title tune from Pet >Sounds. They performed a new gospel tune, very well-arranged, as >the intro to Love & Mercy. The song used most of the chord pattern >from the verse section of He Come Down. They also blasted out a >rousing send-up of Little St. Nick from the new Christmas album >coming out in October on Arista. > >And the pre-show tunes on the PA included Australia by The Kinks, >New York's a Lonely Town, and Forever by Roy Wood. > >A great night in a great place hearing great music. I believe >Halliburton ran the ticket concession....