Just a note to let you know that my new podcast, featuring the best in melodic rock, power pop, indie pop, singer songwriter, ... basically, the best in music heavy on hooks, harmonies, and melodies... is now available at http://www.stacyinthecity.com The first podcast features the following artists: Mark Bacino, The Pillcrushers, Hector on Stilts, The Davenports, The Orange Peels, The Injured Parties, Frank Ciampi, Sporkfly, The Oohs, Butch Berrry, Robert Gomez, Checkpoint Charley, and The Argument. Future podcasts will also be really good. I'm already planning a podcast devoted to NYC bands, one for each of a couple of really cool labels, I'll be doing an auditory review of the Mike Viola Living Room shows this past month, featuring some new Mike Viola songs, a new song from The 88, and tons of other really really cool stuff that I am really excited about. So, check it out, let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Stacy -- http://www.stacyinthecity.com - Podcast, Pop Culture, and Observations of Life in the City Indie bands and labels: I'd like to feature your songs! stacypod@gmail.com for information on my new podcast!