Hello, I mention this band a lot because I love them so. Americana alterna-pop. Something like that. :) The band is Hector on Stilts, of course! There is an audio review of their newest album (which is AMAZING, so so so good, highly recommended for everyone on this list imo!) on a podcast called Daily Sonic. The review also features a few songs so you can get a feel of their vibe. The review is at http://www.dailysonic.com for today's episode, so if you are looking at the site on a day other than August 24, you may need to check the archives. So, check it out if you are so inclined. And yes, thats me (though thats not quite how you say my last name...). Hopefully someone will like them as much as I do! Stacy -- Indie bands and labels: I'd like to feature your songs! stacypod@gmail.com for information on my new podcast!