Hey guys, I know many of you are eMusic subscribers, and even those that aren't might be interested in this. eMusic sent out a press release last week announcing an eMusic Podcast. What wasn't on the press release was that my husband produced it and is the person on the podcast. :) So, I have quite a personal stake in this podcast that it does well! :) (My husband is a Voice Over Arist, and has a home studio if anyone needs anything like that...) Spoon is featured on this, the first podcast, as well as other, less power-poppy acts, but over all, I enjoyed it, and it opened my ears to some stuff that I may not have listened to otherwise. The podcast is available for anyone (even if you don't have eMusic, don't worry!) and you can get the feed at http://www.emusic.com/podcast/eMusicPodcast.xml Although, since it is my husband behind it, and his (and ours, naturally) livelihood depends on this doing well, if you like the podcast, considering signing up for a free trial at eMusic (if you find you don't like the service, you can always cancel before the two week trial ends), or sending an email to eMusic or posting on the message boards that you enjoy the podcast. (If you are feeling extra generous today, I have an affiliate link I can send you for the free trial so I get credit for it, but I won't post that here. email me privately). This email is already feeling really self-promotey, so I'll stop here. I mean, obviously, I want it to do well, but I do think a good number of you will be interested to know about the podcast. So there you go. Also, kudos to anyone reaching the end of the email, and a query for you. What is the song featured in the NEW HP ads, the song about the rainbow? I KNOW THAT SONG and I probably even OWN IT but I can't figure it out and it is driving me crazy! A search turns up nothing when I take a bit of the lyrics I can remember or search google for HP ads. Thanks for your help! Stacy -- Indie bands and labels: I'd like to feature your songs! stacypod@gmail.com for information on my new podcast!