Well Bob... There are a number that do it to me....it all seems to come from a certain time and place in my youth where a song happenned to be playing as specific events unfolded in my development. In this case, it was a Junior High School dance, and I sweated, anxiously trying to work up the nerve to ask this certain girl to dance. Man, I paced for hours around the gym. Went to the bathroom 412 times. Sniffed my armpits to make sure I didn;t smell badly. Tested my breath constantly. Wiped my brow, and waited for the next slow song from the DJ. My legs were essentially rubber bands under the weight of my body. I could barely breath. And there it was...the opening strains to "Dream Weaver". Slow enough. It was go time! I walked across the floor to the place I knew she and her girlfriends were camping out. I swallowed the huge lump forming in my throat, and in my best squeaky, breaking Mickey Mouse voice, I asked Lisa to dance. The next 5 seconds seemed to last an eternity. Everything was in slow motion, and I swear everyone's voice was an octave deeper and disturbing. Her response? "EWWWWWW.......no way"..... Yes...I died that night. "Dream Weaver" continued to play, tugging on my heart for the next 3 minutes as I slithered back to a corner as far away from the girls camp as I could get. Did any of my buddies see me get slammed? I couldn't stop shaking. I was rejected in a big way. So..."Dream Weaver" has a BIG effect on me to this day! Mark H