The New Arrivals, the 60's San Jose band?? Really. I know they have had an active website, and maybe even releaed some old stuff. I have tix and maybe even a band card from them!!! That guitar player is really good. A friend took lessons from him in about 1964. I have the single they did as the "Preps", Moon Racer. wow! shoshana price wrote:...... > > Saturday was the perfect show for anyone (like me) > wanting to get a pyschedelic/garage pop fix. > The New Arrivals were amazing...hard to believe these > guys took a 40 year hiatus and haven't been playing > together all along. It was also cool to see a bunch > of 20 somethings really enjoying their set. ......... > ..any thought > about bringing them up to SF next year? > > -shosh > > > ____________________________________________________ > Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The new Donovan's Brain Site