Finally caught up on sleep, and still reeling from some of the great performances at IPO SF! I didn't get to any of the shows prior to the weekend, so I can't offer any comments to add to Sherman's review of the first two days, but I am surprised that more women did not show up to see Eugene Edwards, who is the modern version of everything you loved about all of your favorite 70's teen idols. Good thing I'd seen him play before, or I'd be even more disappointed that I couldn't get to the show on Wednesday. Unlike the cool neighborhood club feel of Red Devil Lounge, Thee Parkside is sort of a seedy neighborhood dive, but they've got a pretty good sound system and a cool outdoor patio in back where you can get burgers and beers. I attended both the Saturday and Sunday shows there, and all I can say is WOW! Saturday was the perfect show for anyone (like me) wanting to get a pyschedelic/garage pop fix. The New Arrivals were amazing...hard to believe these guys took a 40 year hiatus and haven't been playing together all along. It was also cool to see a bunch of 20 somethings really enjoying their set. Maple Mars was also really cool, but my favorite new discovery of the night was Little Yellow Perfect - very hooky, but with lots of garage influences mixed in with the powerpop delivery. I picked up their CD, but haven't got a chance to listen to it yet, since I can't bring myself to take IPO vol 8 out of the CD player yet! Sunday's bill was a little more eclectic, but also very good. Michael Guthrie was loud and rocking and lots of people were up and dancing. Cult of Sue Todd and Blake Jones and the Trike Shop were quirky and fun. I also attended Monday at Red Devil Lounge and (finally!) got to see The Glimmer Stars play live - what a fun band! Great songs, and great stage presence! In all, lots of great bands crammed into a very short time - hard to mention something specific about each one while I'm still reeling from the experience, but suffice it to say that I did not see a single band I didn't like - and with 7-8 bands per bill night after night, that's pretty strong praise! One question for David: I've been seeing lots of posts about how amazing Tripsitter were in LA...any thought about bringing them up to SF next year? -shosh ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page