James Cooper's "Second Season", produced by Michael Carpenter. M. Carp's Supahip "Seize the World" Chris Von Sneidern's "California Redemption Value" Captain Mike & the Totems "Train of Thought" The Churchills "Odds of Winning" IPO Volume 8 That's a lot for thast 24 hours, I grant you. I haven't been able to digest all of them (haven't yet listened to CVS). I have twice spun the Cooper and the Churchills, once each for the rest--- and this is really a goldmine of music for me. Lots of tasty stuff, from the psych-pop of Captain Mike to the very engaging Cooper and the very power poppin' Churchills, I'm swimming in cool tunes. Nothing planned for the next 24 hours, except to listen more (and get the CVS into rotation). Joe Field http://FlyingColorsComics.com