Hi all-- Although I don't even bother with the astrology column in my local paper, the stars were clearly in formation for last Wednesday's IPO show at the Derby. One of the great lineups in festival history. ROBYANN RAGLAND and WENDIE COLTER (with ROB LAUFER) performed fine, "semi-unplugged" sets. BETH THORNLEY has joined a growing group of very strong female songwriters (Paula Kelley, Kat Parsons, and many, many more) who are making their mark at IPO. CLOUD ELEVEN is most definitely Rick Gallego. But on this night, it was also Cosmo Topper (percussion), Rick Hromadka (bass), and Zane Drake (guitar). The quartet rotated their set between the three C-11 discs and Rick's legendary early work with Jiffypop. An inspiring show! KIRSTEN PROFFIT kept the high level of songwriting continuing with her energetic set, and strong performances by ROVER 2000 and SCARLET CRUSH kept the crowd (good turnout for a Wednesday) entertained. All the musicians stormed the stage (this was 5 Alarm music/Rescue Records Night) for an encore salute to World Party! I guess the stars were also lined up for me.: I finally made it to the Derby. What a great place to hear music! Great viewing areas of the stage, and most importantly, a GREAT sound system!! Steve