Hey Josh, Good to see you on Sunday at the show. For the record, (It's amazing what you can find on the internet) - There were eight Raspberries on stage, the original four and the four "overdubs", as the backing band are called. The guy on the left was "All American Popster" Billy Sullivan, the chick on vocals was Jen Lee, Paul Sidoti was the guy in the do-rag (who apparently plays in an Eagles tribute band) and the mystery eighth bandmate was percussionist Derrick Braunschweiger He did not rate an introduction on Saturday, but was introduced by Eric on Sunday at Dave's coaxing. I can't add much to Mark and your accounts, but I wanted to mention that for me one of the highlights was "Tonight". I think one of the distinguishing factors of first generation power pop is the guitar. As an example, I'm not talking about the thunderous intro repeated at the beginning of the song - but the sublime noodling that Wally does as Eric sings "You looked too young ...". How old is this music? Here's a line from Eric's "I'm a Rocker" "'Cause when that rhythm and blues electrifies my shoes I get the message like it came by cable" When was the last time you received a telegram? See ya, Sherman