At Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 11:31:19 Bryan wrote: > This was an interesting quote: >>Steve Albini The bands you mention (Big Star, Raspberries, Flamin’ Groovies, Cheap Trick, Dwight Twilley, Shoes, dB’s, Matthew Sweet, Posies) are utterly unrelated. I can tolerate some of them, love the Flamin’ Groovies and Cheap Trick and have a profound hatred of the rest. I cannot bring myself to use the term “power pop.” Catchy mock-descriptive terms are for dilettantes and journalists. I guess you could say I think this music is for pussies and should be stopped.<<< Bite my metal-plated ass, Albini. - Bender. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia