IPO started off with a really good show. I must say Molly Malone's has really good sound. So it was a pleasure to hear these bands with good quality of sound . Box was not my thing, Phil Solem did really nice solo set. I just love the Syrups really catchy pop tunes makes you wanna get up and dance. It enjoyed seeing Hutch again. It had been a couple of years since he played an IPO. He played alot of tunes from his last cd. Maple Mars rocked! They didn't use any keyboard. This allowed them to rock alot more. The suprise band of the evening for me was Little Girls. I really liked this band. 2 girl singers. I am still racking my brain as to which 70/80's girl group they sound like. Once I dig out my roots of Power Pop cd I'll know. The Piper Downs were fun as usual. This year there are IPO t-shirts. This afternoon is a really good lineup The Dons are playing....yah! and Mr. Thorn.....I'll be seeing you. Cathy