Hi all, I've been wanting to download this song, "Cool City" which is a bonus track on the online version of Tomorrow the World (I already have several copies of the CD). Ideally I'd like to get it as a raw MP3, with no digital rights junk attached so I can play it on whatever device I like, transfer to CD etc. I've checked eMusic but there is no Shazam stuff there. RealRhapsody (which is mentioned on the Shazzers' website) is unavailable in the UK. Other download sites only offer the track at low bitrate or as a .wma file. Does anyone know where I can get a decent bitrate version of this song? Or if anyone would like to mail me the MP3, please feel free to do so (I wouldn't feel any guilt over that because, as I've already said, I have purchased more than one copy of the CD in the past). Contact me offline if you can help. Ta. Bob