Thank you to all who responded regarding my curiosity about Larry Norman and the lists of other Christian artists worth checking out. Plenty to go on the next time I hit the used shops... To be honest, I've gotten more joy as of late tracking down obscure artists I missed the first time around versus listening to a lot of very mediocre CDs from new acts. Or maybe I'm just showing my age. Maybe not. Much of my interest was inspired by a bargain book I picked up called RAISED BY WOLVES, a look at the history of Christian rock. Living in the Nashville area, the churches have a very different approach when it comes to performing music--you can imagine the wealth of musical talent. Sunday morning services resemble rock concerts in some of the bigger churches. As a musician/songwriter myself but not a fervent believer, I've looked for ways of connecting somehow through the easiest route I know--through music. Brad Harvey NP: TA DET LUGNT by Dungen