Matty said: while we're on the subject of fave christian rockers, don't forget switchfoot, whose insanely catchy "meant to live" was one of my fave rock records of 2004. My neighbor Dale is very into music and especially christian rock. He LOVES Switchfoot. I still have not heard them. Just above Switchfoot, his real favorite and one that I have actually heard (via a living room show he hosted long ago) is The Lost Dogs. They have come up on this list before, but unless I missed it, I don't think on this thread? Anyway, they have some great stuff too and I actually have several of their discs. They have the usual influences Beatles, Beach Boys, Tom Petty, but really very solid stuff..real "pros". Thanks to Stewart for the The Get Quick recommendation and the reminder (for me anyway) that I need to pick up Asteroid No. 4 (they totally dropped off my radar). Also to Michael for the Novillero recommendation. The title alone of their disc (" Aim Right for the hole in their lives") is oddly intriguing to me. Steve D NP: The Critters