Although I think it's great that Elliott Spitzer took a stand in New York against questionable business practices in the music industry in his state, I can't help but think about a few things. As an independent musician, critic and rabid music fan, I share the outrage concerning the tom foolery of the major labels in their attempts to manipulate the media. The truly stupid thing is that it's apparent that they lost a hell of a lot of money doing it--signifying that the entire system is broken right down to the roots. Also, I can't help wondering if this chicanery extends to sycophantic magazines like Rolling Stone and Spin who seem always ready to hail as a masterpiece even the most superficial and tedious crap. Has the mainstream press succumbed to the lure of free iPods as well? Finally, isn't he payola scheme a microcosm of how American politics works these days? And if so, doesn't it kind of seem like small potatoes compared to the massive gifts and perks our elected representatives receive? I'd like to hear the list's take on this stuff. --Ken Kase