No, me too. I saw People a lot when I was young... I just don't go back there now. Anyway, I always thought of myself as from Willow Glen, not SJ.... My cousins were just the oppose and insisted they graduate from SJ High. I left in '74, so I can't really say much about what it's like now, but I have some ideas... or not. Someday I'll post some of the 60's SJ rock stuff I have in the collection... you all still there then? I'm plenty happy up here in Montana. Had a bit of a Cali reminder last night, a 5.6 quake centered west of here, in Dillon. Just like the old days. RS Michael Coxe wrote: > Marty Rudnick wrote: > > Yeah....The People...from San Jose, CA...I'd like to give a shout out to all my homeys! Peace out. > > Anyone besides you & me? > > - the *other* SJ Auditier > > NP: Steve & Stevie - S/T -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site