>Is anyone on the list familiar with an artist named Larry Norman and an >album called ONLY VISITING THIS PLANET? It's mentioned in Christian rock >circles as being one of the greatest albums in the genre and I wondered if >this was true or if Satan is pulling my ear. Yep, absolutely. Norman has had a long, productive career, beginning in the 60s band People (had a hit cover of the Zombies "I Love You.") I've heard tons of Christian rock and folk over the years, most terrible, some quite good, and I agree that ONLY VISITING THIS PLANET is the best album I've ever heard in the genre. Norman covers a lot of genres there, from old-fashioned rock to ballads to Dyalnesque folk-rock, and it's all musically memorable and lyrically fascinating (I say this even though I disagree with him on pretty much everything, i.e. "our money says 'in God we trust' but it's against the law to pray in school.") His IN ANOTHER LAND album is excellent as well. I'd be careful about taking recommendations from Christians about the best Jesus rock, as there seems to be no discernment at all about whether an artist has "soul," i.e. whether the production and singing isn't completely schlocky and lacking conviction. For example, the second most oft-cited "greatest Christian rock record" is Randy Stonehill's WELCOME TO PARADISE, which I find to be a really mainstream and unappealing variation on what Norman does. Any more questions on this genre, I'm willing to give the non-believer answer, Aaron