Remember when the Lilys released BETTER CAN'T MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER, and you were all, like, "Dude, where did THAT come from?" And then Kurt Heasley proved himself to be a majorly drug-addled flake and to this day, he still hasn't released another album that's been anywhere near so satisfying? And then about four years ago, the Asteroid No. 4 released KING RICHARD'S COLLECTIBLES, which absolutely smoked their earlier dronier records and was Philadelphia's first great psych-pop album since BETTER? And then their next album, they decided they were Gram friggin' Parsons or something? Well, get ready to set yourself up again for eventual disappointment from the land of Tastykakes, because the trilogy is complete: the debut album by the Get Quick, HOW THE STORY GOES, is absolutely up there with BETTER CAN'T MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER and KING RICHARD'S COLLECTIBLES. It's out next month on Rainbow Quartz, and it's the best thing the label has released in ages. Fundamentally strong, melodic pop songs get lovingly futzed with, with sax and strings and vintage synths and backwards guitars decorating but not dominating. There's no obsession with getting the "correct" '60s-inspired sound -- most of the album sounds as much like the Three O'Clock as it does the Move -- and unlike the bands traveling in the nexus around the Brian Jonestown Massacre, the Get Quick actually finished writing the songs before they started recording them. But if either of the above-mentioned records meant anything at all to you, you're gonna love this. S