Hi all, I dont have a lot to go on but though if anyone can help, I'm sure it'll be someone on here... A friend who is a pretty successfull pro musician has been writing a record which he thinks is too far removed from what he does, for him to be able to record / perform it with any amount of authenticity. He's a sort of mellow alt-country artist and he says the new record is a kind of " Post punk weird Weezer esque album" and he needs to "find the right punk/pop band to perform the Weezer-esque material" So, anyone out there wanna throw their hat into the ring?? there must be plenty of punk/pop acts out there amongst you so let me know if yuou are interested... The guy is US based and lives in the south but he's interested to hear from any US bands i think. email me off list... Best Russ x ___________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com