<< Dave Rave, Gary Pig Gold, Mark Johnson, Pat DiNizio, and...and...and... DAMN!!!! :-) >> SO close, David !! That mystery singer on the right (who provided precisely the correct handclapping during the "Eight Days A Week" portion of our impromptu hoot, btw) is none other than noted B. Springsteen / P. Simon (et al) sound tech John Huelbig, who is actually engineering, and quite superbly indeed may I add, the grand new Johnson/Rave/Gold sessions. .....tho I sorta like Jaimie's guess (Kevin Pollock impersonating Antonio Banderas) much better ;-) and Sherman does indeed come kinda close too by name-checking four actual M. Crue members. But I guess Mr. Bash wins (sorry, Church Lady Steve). But exactly WHAT he wins I'm not exactly sure. Would you ever settle for a "Next Big Thing sing The Beach Boys Party" CD, David ??? Operators are standing by, Gary "and Happy Birthday to You Too, Swiss Chocolate Robert!" Pig