Looks like I just inked a deal to be the host of a new cable TV show (utah, idaho, maybe arizona), called The Best Music You've Never Heard, featuring alot of local area musicians and bands. The producer said he likes the power pop thang, and would like to bring in more national touring acts..... soooooo.... I thought I'd put a post on here, since I know alot of pop-friendly bands are tuned in here. So, in the next 3-4 months (we're inked for 11 episodes, w/ more to follow hopefully), if your band will be in the Utah area (or ripping thru on I-80, I-15, or I-70), how 'bout getting your mugs on TV and promoting your music here? Here's the cool thing: The producers are so anxious to get (unknown) videos to air on the show, that they will do a 3-location video shoot to make your video, and charge only 100 bucks (time is limited on that one). So if this appeals to anybody on the list, drop me a line, eh? -Mike "wiz" Wisland