All the talk last week about Fleetwood Mac sent me searching for one of my favorite perks from the old days of music retail[over 25 years worth].I found it yesterday.It is a coffee cup that says "Fleetwood Mac Mirage"on the front.It is shaded in brown.When hot coffee is poured in ,that color slowly turns to cream color.Right before your eyes.I always loved that one.I had my morning coffee in it and much to the delight of my daughter and myself it still works like a charm.Unfortunately somewhere along the line it got a chip in it so it isn't perfect.Doesn't matter.I wouldn't give it up.Too many memories. I have several cups from those retail days:A "Bluenote" mug,A Warrent "Cherry Pie" cup, and A Darling Buds "Crystal Clear" glass mug. But the Mac wins. Gene