<> Unfortunately for fans of intelligent, hook-filled music, Doug Powell has decided to hang up his voice, guitar, bass, drums, and programs. He's decided to get out of the music making biz. It's a very sad day indeed. I first came across Mr. Powell when he opened up for Todd Rundgren, circa 1995. I was immediately taken with his songs that night. Melodic, passionate, witty. Unfortunately his debut CD wasn't going to be out for awhile. So what did he do? He sent me a homemade tape of the album. How classy was that? I've been a huge fan ever since, anxiously awaiting each release. And like his heroes, Jeff Lynne, Jules Shear, Ray Davies, and Mr. Rundgren, he hasn't been afraid to try new things. Experiment. Confuse and confound his fans. And I dig him all the more for it. So I'm hopeful he'll pull a Michael Jordan and come out of retirement. Perhaps two or three times. But until then I'll be happy to listen to the old stuff. Over and over again. peter k.