Bleu I had heard about Bleu for ages on the Jelly-L and Audities, and finally, in Tucson, the last CD we purchased was his CD. Then it ended up in a box in New Jersey for months. Well, finally, last week, I started playing it a few times, and I was impressed. Its no wonder that the Jelly-L was raving. He has a bit of a Jellyfish quality to him and he probably is a Jellyfish fan. For his show, he was solo, and he did a lot of looping in order to get a full band sound. I was totally meserized by the way he would loop things. I'm so facinated by that! Early on in the show, he told everyone (who were sitting along the sides) to get up, stand up, in the middle of the room in front of the stage. It was funny. :) He actually played a lot of new stuff, probably at least half new, and he was halfway apologetic about it, but said how it is fun to play new songs too sometimes. Lets see, some of the songs that I do know that he played were: 3's a Charm We'll Do it All Again Could Be Worse After he finished breaking down from his set, I said hi to him and he was very nice. I don't recall what we talked about really, but he said that he played Tucson about a year ago with Switchfoot. I remember that tour and didn't go because I was busy with moving and did not have either of their CDs at the time. The Argument These guys I was REALLY excited to see. Probably more so than the rest of them because since the first 4 part harmonies streamed from my player when I first played the CD, I was in musical heaven. While Spiraling is great, they are from NYC so easy to see again, and though Bleu is good, I wasn't super familiar with his songs. But The Argument, I have played their CD on endless loop over and over and over again. IMO, they are the BEST Jellyfish influenced band out there. Easily. I started out watching from the sides, sitting down, and I started to be VERY unimpressed with the sound. People kept standing in front of me, and I kept sliding closer to the stage, and pretty soon, I was in a dead spot sonically, and during "Speak My Mind" which is one of my fave songs on the album due to the most amazing 4 part harmonies and competing lyrics, right before the best part of the song, I leaped up, ran to the floor in front of the stage, and got to hear everything better. Sadly though, still not good enough. The whole sound was very flat. Not compressed or anything, but flat, like a wall. I couldn't hear any individual intstruments or voices pop out at me. The mics were waaaaay low, esp the guitarists. And the room itself seemed poorly designed for sound. Long and narrow, brick walls, wood floor, there were lots of deadspots in the room. I'm hoping that it may have just been a bad night and that another night there, the sound would be better. At one point, the sound guy exchanged a mic in the bass drum. Oh well. Anyway, The Argument put on a great show and I sang along to my heart's content, and there were quite a few others doing that. There were a few other moments of 4 part harmony bliss were I smiled with glee. It was a very good show. Some of the songs they played: Incognito Song 2 Movin' In NYU Girls My Dumb Luck Speak My Mind Everyone's Selling Something Act My Age I know they did throw in at least one or two new songs in there and talked about an album they are working on. So, that was yay. After the show, I talked to Scott, the lead singer and keyboardist, I'd exchanged a number of emails with. He was very nice, and it was nice to finally meet him after exchanging correspondances. I also spoke with Matt, the guitarist. I told Matt how the 4 part harmonies are my FAVORITE, and that sometimes, his guitar playing reminded me of Jellyfish. He looked at me agape and said "I LOVE JELLYFISH!" (there aren't a lot of people in the world who even know who they are, so its always cool to meet someone else), so then we talked about Spilt Milk and Jon Brion. It was very nice. Spiraling Spiraling headlined and by the time they went on, there was a decent crowd. Again, the sound disappointed me, which in a way made me happy because then I KNEW that it wasn't The Argument's fault. That sounds weird, but there you go. Anyway. They still put on a fine show. Their setlist (this one is accurate, I got it from Marty, so I know it is right): Transmitter (Get Your Own) Holy Grail A Face for Radio Excellent Body Ah Sugar (one of my FAVORITES!) Lightning Twice No Transformation Here Are You Here (Parts 1 and 2) (one of my other FAVORITES) Texas is the Reason You Can't Get There So, there you have it. GO SEE THEM when they hit a town near you. :) Stacy