Yes, Pat, that's exactly what Bruce said that Doug would be doing now that he's dropping music. And, no, it's *not* what this is all about. As Bruce, Bobby, and Jaimie have attested, the music industry is very rough on indie artists and entrepreneurs. While we may bemoan the loss of Doug Powell and others like him to the power pop cause, I for one don't understand how we can question the decision of someone in his position to walk away from it all. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do ... especially when he's gotta do it for his family, too. And it seems pretty selfish to me to demand that someone stick with what's tantamount to a very expensive hobby that's causing him and his family financial (and emotional) stress just to satisfy our aesthetic sweet tooth. That's what I'm getting at with regard to Bruce's post; he understands, because like Doug he's in what Jaimie called an "abusive relationship" with the music industry. But more than that, Bruce is willing to look at it from Doug's point of view. Bruce's is the kind of empathy that should be applauded and emulated. As for Doug Powell's personal beliefs, I have no idea why they should be the subject of someone's scorn and ridicule on Audities. I've been on this list for a long time, and while there's certainly a lot of room for disagreement in here about musical matters, it's pretty plain to me that bashing someone's religious beliefs has always been considered to be out of bounds -- especially when that assault is completely unprovoked. It's pretty obvious that you recognize this boundary as well, since you acknowledged that Audities was "definitely not the place to air religious views". All I'm saying is that you should've taken your own advice. Again, by contrast I think that Bruce handled this well. He said that the basis for Doug's decision might be "hard to fathom" for many Auditeers, and that it would "displease a few on this list to hear, or would at least elicit a groan". But he conveyed Doug's reasons straightforwardly and honestly and cast no judgments, other than to say that Doug's courage to follow his convictions was personally inspirational to him. Quite frankly, anything that inspires Bruce Brodeen to keep doing what he is doing is a good thing that I think any Auditeer should applaud. Heck, how can anyone begrudge Bruce a pick-me-up for his morale? I don't know what belief systems other Auditeers hold (most of them, anyway), and, quite frankly, I don't want to know. Nor do I think that they want to know mine. Such matters are almost never relevant to the musical topic at hand, and introducing them to a thread is almost certainly both divisive and digressive. On the rare occasions when the subject of personal beliefs are relevant to an Audities thread (a thread about George Harrison's lyrics, say), I would hope that we could at least treat those with whom we disagree with a modicum of respect. Gregory Sager ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page