>> Am i the only one that thinks Fleetwood Mac's 'Mirage' album from 82-83 >> is a great record? > > Nope. I'm right there with you. One of the things I like best about the > Lindsey-era Mac is the way he embellishes Christine McVie's songs. Two of > the finest examples are on that record; "Love In Store" (listen to his > backing vocal "Yah-yah"s, not to mention the pristine sound) and the > classic "Hold Me," on which their voices melt seamlessly together. People always celebrated the Buckingham/Nicks aspect of FMac, but rarely spoke of how well Lindsay and Christine worked, particularly how well they sung together. There are quite a few great examples of them combining, 'Don't Stop', 'Think About Me' and 'Hold Me' being great exampes. A very pure blend of 2 very talented singers. A short story if you'll indulge me. I remember my reaction when i heard the backing vocals in 'Love IN Store' for the first time. I was about 16, at my favourite record store, and the album had literally just come in. I went to this record store EVERY day after school. He'd just opened the box as i walked in the door, and the needle dropped... when it got to the backing vocals, Lindsay and Stevie blending doing the 'instead of bringing me down', i almost physically fell over, and i have the same reaction almost every time i hear that song. And i can remember being fixated by the videos for Hold Me and Gypsy... i taped them off the TV and watched them constantly. They were so cool back in those days.. > > Actually the first F-Mac album I bought when it came out. Probably mine as well.. MC