yep its me again, Just a quick note to let any Philly area folks on the list know that Cliff and the Forward Thinkers are playing a cool semi-acoustic show at the World Cafe Live upstairs this Friday night 7/8. Not only is it a cool venue- right in the same building as WXPN, but they are also committed to having live original music 7 nights a week, which is something I know we can all get behind- we'd love to see you there! Which leads me into my thanks to all of the NYC Auditeers who made it out to the Joe's Pub show this past Saturday. CHFT were warmly received and all at the club were pleased with the evening. Heck! they even got an encore which took us all by surprise. Hoping to get back up there soon and would love to be able to hang with the NYC pop gang again! Beth- who realized that this new "getting up early for the new job" also should probably entail going to bed earlier than she is used to....