I have the album (via TVT promo) so no SoundScan pick-up for me :-) I'm pretty luke warm to the record. Here's a review I did for the next issue of Amplifier... TSAR Band Girls Money Back in 2000, TSAR set out to be one promising power pop act with an absolutely stunning debut album. A sparkling, hook-filled gem, it revived the melodic spirit of rock that had been dormant in many big releases around that time. Unfortunately, the record did not sell well or move the masses required for longevity on a major label. So after a five-year hiatus the LA foursome reinvented themselves, channeled their inner garage rock demons, and wedged a space on the crowded bandwagon of trashy revivalists like the Hives, Libertines, and Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Sounding very little like their melodically drenched debut, Band Girls Money is an exercise in raw, scathing rock n' roll fury from start to finish. With nods to the Stooges, Dead Boys, New York Dolls, and even a little T-Rex, most of the album's scant 10 tracks are driven by tight, manic tempos, blistering guitars and Jeff Whalen's emotive, often distorted vocals. There's no doubt the spirit of rock is surging through this band's veins, but lackluster hooks and overt rock posturing overshadow any musical semblance or originality. The dynamic and melodic "Love Explosion" and meaty hook of "Conqueror Worm" offer a hint at this band's former brilliance but the rest of this low effort rock noise will leave most wondering.. "we waited five years for this?" - Jeff Shelton > Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 11:55:00 -0500 > From: "Scott Phillips" > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: TSAR : "Band-Girls-Money" > Message-ID: <410-2200574716550828@earthlink.net> > > I've only been on this list for awhile, mainly as a lurker. But I'm pretty sure I've seen a member or 2 mention TSAR. Am I the only one who has their new album? > >