on 7/1/05 12:04 PM, audities-owner@smoe.org at audities-owner@smoe.org wrote: Thanks much, Jeff. I don't know how many Auditeers are aware of us opening for Asia tomorrow, but I guess they know NOW. I will give details of the auspicious occasion once I recover from the long weekend (unless my usual jaded demeanor changes to one of hyperdrive, then it will be sooner). The party starts tonight...pass the Guinness! BTW, there's another new Oohs song recently posted on our MySpace page - check out "The End Of Our Days," or the "Irish sea shanty/drinking song" (as we refer to it). We're one song away from the home stretch... Brioohs (45, for those who want to know) -- THE OOHS at http://www.theoohs.com or http://www.myspace.com/theoohs LLAMALAMP coming soon - let your inner light shine! Buy OOHS music at NOT LAME, CD BABY, KOOL KAT MUSIK, JAM, & TR BAZAAR! > Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 10:18:01 -0400 > From: "Jeff" > To: > Subject: An oohs is born! > Message-ID: <001201c57e47$b1ac6410$835bb7cc@JEFFSPC> > > Happy Birthday Brioohs! > > Be sure to tell Geoff Downes about the (surprising?) soft spot Asia > holds in the hearts of so many otherwise power-popping Auditeers. Be > sure to let us know how the gig goes as well. Now get out there and > celebrate yourself! > > Jeff T. > Del.