----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Seaman" > I heard a Decemberists track on a recent Paste mag sampler CD, and I > like it > quite a bit - can't recall the title, but I think the main line is > "and > we'll both go down together" - it also has a couplet "meet on a vast > veranda, my sweet untouched Miranda", or something like that - ?. > Anyhoos, > any comments on the CD? Is this the best song on it, or does the CD > contain > quality tracks through and through? Actually, that's about the worst song on the album, I think. Much more than their earlier albums (both of which had some duds), PICARESQUE is strong from start to finish, and is hugely recommended. I would be surprised if there's an album released in the latter half of the year that I like more. If you have broadband, you can see the (truly excellent) video for the single "16 Military Wives" here: http://www.otaku-house.com/films/decdnload.htm S