Replacements...Placemats...'Mats >From: >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Replacements >Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 10:06:40 +0100 > > > > > >Wow. Thanks for the mountain of info and opinions, guys. The love and >respect in which this band is held shone through in your comments. I >downloaded all of Let It Be late last night (in a drunken haze after a >night of Jack Daniels and Coke - how very appropriate, given some of your >Replacements tales). I will let you know what I think once I get a chance >to listen to it. > >The good thing with eMusic is that I can cherry pick the songs I want from >the other early albums. A friend also told me that there is a double disc >comp coming out which features tracks from each of the Reprise albums on >disc one and rare/unreleased stuff on disc 2. I suspect this might be a >reissue of All For Nothing/Nothing for All, hopefully budget priced! > >Final question which someone may be able to answer - how did they get the >nickname Mats? > >Bob >