IPO LA is quickly approaching. This year I am again coordinating the merch table for this festival. This is the 6th year I have been doing, I can't beleive it's been this many years. I have a had alot of fun doing this, heard alot of great bands and made many friends. The schedule is up and there are alot of really good bands playing this year. I am particulary looking forward to seeing the Phamous Phaces and The Tearaways http://www.internationalpopoverthrow.com/la05.htm We can use your help even if you can only work part of show. IPO will compensate anyone who works an entire show, 2 addtional guest lists to another show, which can be used for you or a friend. If you work part of a show, you will be compensated with one addtional guest list to another. If you are interested in spending an afternoon listening to music and helping the artist sell their merch, please contact me off list Cathy