Just checked out the Bullseye web site and am drooling at the thought of the new Klaatu Sun Set release. A "Howl at the Moon" demo? "Older" live? It will soon be mine! Jaimie, is "The Complete Orchestral Hope" instrumental only? On to another pet project of mine - The Pen. This is a movie I shot with my class of Fifth Graders. We debuted it in front of 450 kids in our auditorium. Where's the pop content here? The lead in for the opening credits was "Get Funky" by Teenage Fanclub. It was an unbelievable rush to hear those kids explode with applause and handclaps to this tune as the movie opened. I closed the movie (short synopsis - a magic pen allows what is written to come true and is almost used by the evil principal but runs out of ink) with "Every Day I Write The Book" and The Gladhands version of "it's Magic" for the closing credits. (Pilot's version is in the montage during the movie). I thought I'd run the next idea through the list. I am adding more credits to the copies the kids will get. What other popular song is out there with a pen, magic, or looking back on school as themes? Already used: "School Days" - Chuck Berry "School" - Supertramp (a snippet) I have kind of eliminated "The Letter" - Boxtops an "Paperback Writer" as the Elvis Costello tune was already a stretch. I'll look forward to hearing your suggestions. Mike Hodges