Calling all Auditeers A friend of mine has set me what on the face of it appears an impossible task... >>I have had a bit of an idea. Let me know if you reckon it can be done. >>I have a very old tape with 'Get it On' by >>T-Rex followed immediately by 'All the Young Dudes'. >>Weirdly, the Hoople refer to the -Rex in their song. >>Is it possible, do you reckon, to construct a tape >>(or in these modern times a 'CD') with each concurrent >>song referring to the previous, as above, possibly >>either by band name or song title. >>I caught myself singing Blur's 'Country House' >>earlier, which contains the words 'Rat Trap', for instance This sounds like exactly the sort of thing that has been discussed here, ad nauseum I shouldn't wonder. Can it be done? What is the longest chain you could construct? Over to you, Steve Roffey