Didn't Ethel Merman make a disco album in the 70's? That has to be the king (or queen) of all crossovers. You're not alone Mark, my mother is also a devotee of those Rod Stewart American Songbook discs. Michael -------------- Original message -------------- > Linda Rondstadt's "What's New" & "For Sentimental Reasons" and Rod Stewart's > "American Songbook" series come to mind. Rod's versions of these standards, > to my ears, are godawful, but I guess we can be assured that Volume 4 will > be on it's way as lots of people (including my mother) seem to like 'em. > > For me, the biggest head scratcher has to be Garth Brooks putting on a wig > and adopting the persona of a fictional rocker named Chris Gaines. What was > *that* all about?