Bob, It is good that you apologized..... but not before dishing out an undeserved armchair analyization of your opinion why such narrow-minded people might not want you dropping f-bombs in the subject head. You have made it clear that you fancy yourself as the lead curmudgeon on this list however no one has actually been elected to that position as of yet. I tend to discourage my kids from hanging with what I deem a bad element. I leave that up to their own judgement but I think if they saw that my friends are unnecessarily swearing in the subject head they might wonder if I am hanging with a group of bad kids. And ,yes ,they realize there is a double standard for adults but we still can do our best to avoid appearing trashy. -r. > > In a message dated 6/1/05 2:33:38 AM, writes: > > > > Sorry...but it's people like you that lose touch with your children far > > quicker than you should. They're people...quit treating her/him like they're > > not. > > > > And then there are those of us who'd prefer not to see inappropriate subject > lines to begin with. And there are servers that will refuse to deliver > e-mail with inappropriate language in the subject line. Bob, could you have > spoken your subject line out loud on a terrestrial radio show, or network > television? Is it censorship to ask--not require, ASK--for some sense of > decorum?